Face oils are the winners for skincare routine which can make a difference. They provide hydration, nourishment and a radiant glow to different skin types. There are face oils for different types of skins, let it be combination, oily, sensitive or dry. They can make a different to your skincare regimen within few weeks when used religiously.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use face oils for every skin type.

Understanding Your Skin Type

Most of women don’t know their skin type which compromises their skin regimen. Knowing your skin type is the threshold of starting your skincare. Oily skin is known for producing excess sebum which makes the skin shiny and is prone to breakouts.

Front view young woman with serum

Dry skin has less moisture and tends to be flaky and tight and patchy. Whereas, combination skin is a blend of oily and dry areas with an oily T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) with the cheeks being dry. Sensitive Skin is easy to react to products making it irritate and itch every now and then.

Choosing the Right Face Oil

Selecting face oils according to your skin type is a vise thing to do. For instance, lightweight oils like jojoba or grapeseed go best with oily skin because they do not clog pores. Richer oils such as argan or avocado go deeper into the skin and moisturize it are best for dry skin.

Young adult using face care product

Lighter oil on the T-zone and richer one on the cheeks are good for combination skin. The sensitive skin demands oils with soothing properties like chamomile or rosehip seed oil.

How to Incorporate Face Oils into Your Routine

The effect of face oils works best when done correctly with a routine. Start with cleansing your face clean by using a gentle cleanser for your skin type. Then apply toner to balance the pH levels of the skin. Finish up with a water-based moisturizer before using a face oil.

Woman using serum

Finally add a face oil by warming a few drops by rubbing it between your palms for better absorption. Then press the oil onto damp skin to lock in moisture and massage in gently using upward motions into your skin. This boosts circulation and enhances absorption.


Face oils need to be used once or twice daily, depending on your skin’s need and tolerance. Oily skin needs face oils sparingly and focuses on non-comedogenic options. For dry skin, use it generously especially at night for deep hydration. The combination skin requires face oils on different parts of the face. Patch-test new oils for the sensitive skin with minimal fragrances and additives.

Additional Considerations

Face oils can be layered with serums or moisturizers if you are wondering. They work better with different combinations. Use sunscreen for protection during the day as some oils have minimum SPF protection.

Medium shot korean woman posing with serum

You can always monitor your skin and how it is reacting to a particular face oil. Look for the ingredients to be better informed. Have the best face oil for your skin as your skin deserves it.